понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Top Hartford Courant editors leaving jobs - AP Online

An executive of The Hartford Courant says Editor Cliff Teutsch and Managing Editor Barbara Roessner are resigning and will be replaced by an interim editor.

The paper reported on its Web site Monday that Senior Vice President Jeff Levine said in a memo to staff that the resignations are effective Tuesday. No reasons were given.

Levine said Teutsch and Roessner will be replaced by Naedine Hazell, who has been the top editor of the Courant"s Web site and will serve as interim editor.

Teutsch and Roessner held the editor and managing editor jobs since 2006. Teutsch has been with the Courant since 1980 and Roessner since 1978.

The Courant is owned by Tribune Co., which is merging its Hartford area television stations and the paper into one operation.

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